Solution-focused Counseling

Student 咨询服务 (SCS) offers confidential support services to UNA students through a Solution Focused, Stepped Care Model to help students develop coping skills to manage problems impacting their health, 幸福, 和 academic performance.

阶梯式护理模式 is a multi-tier system of interventions 和 resources that seeks to meet students w在这里 they are at in their current level of need for treatment, while promoting autonomy 和 empowerment. Level of care is assessed by licensed counselors, 和 may be adapted as necessary for presenting clinical or non-clinical concerns.

Solution-focused Therapy is the main therapeutic approach used at SCS. This approach emphasizes finding solutions 和 involves identifying/leveraging student strengths 和 resources to achieve positive change for quick, 切实的结果.
  • 调整/过渡
  • 焦虑 & 压力
  • 酒精 & 其他药物使用情况
  • 愤怒管理
  • 抑郁症 & 情绪
  • 吃 & 彷佛
  • 自尊
  • 悲伤 & 损失
  • 性别认同 & 表达式
  • 关系冲突
  • 性 & affectional orientation
  • 灵性
  • 自杀倾向 & 安全
知情同意 is comprehensive information about the counseling process, including the nature of therapy, potential risks 和 benefits, 保密政策, 客户权利.

Recordkeeping is essential to comply with st和ards of care 和 legal/ethical requirements. Counseling records are strictly confidential 和 separate from academic files. SCS staff meets weekly to discuss individual cases 和 make recommendations, including off-campus referrals. Written authorization is required for information to be released, except under the following circumstances:
  • If you are determined to be an immediate danger to yourself or to others;
  • If you disclose that someone is harming children, 老年人, 残疾人, or others whom can不 care for themselves;
  • If we receive a court order.

Appointments can be made by telephone at 256-765-5215 or in person at the office (北松树街726号 - 1st Floor of Rice Hall) during regular business hours. We can不 make an appointment via email or on behalf of a不her person. We must speak directly to the student. 

注意: Cancellations should be made at least 24 hours in advance. You may be charged for an appointment 不 kept or canceled within the appropriate time frame.