History of the UNA Police

Campus Cops Richard Bunn (right) and Trainee Paul Knight (1961)

The Florence State College Police Department began when Richard Bunn was hired in January, 1956 as the first campus policeman. The 1956/1957 school year at Florence State College marked a banner year for enrollment at the College. The student body had just passed the 1500 mark, and the need for a police presence on campus became apparent. 然后, 像现在一样, parking was a common problem for the College, and Officer Bunn headed up the Campus Traffic Committee.

Florence State College continued to grow, and in 1961 another officer was added to the force. The Florence State College Police remained at two officers until 1969, when the institution became Florence State University

Officer Ray Wood, 1964

The Florence State 大学警察 Department was increased to four officers, and remained that way until 1975/1976 when the University of North Alabama was born. 那时H.L. 埃蒙斯 was named Chief of the Department, and shortly thereafter, the police department was downgraded to a security force.

STANDING: Hobson Richardson, 夏普警官, 唐纳德·特里警官, 威廉·马多克斯警官, 乔·奎格利警官
SEATED: Security Chief HL 埃蒙斯 (1977)

Sergeant Billy Joe Sharp, 1972

In August, 1981, Chief H.L. 埃蒙斯 retired from the University and Mr. Durrell Mock, former football coach for the University was appointed as the Chief of Security. Through the years the University continued to grow and in 1993 Richard Deter was hired to lead the department through another transitional period, and the department became known as the Department of Public 安全.

In 1999, 吉姆Glasso took over as the Director of Public 安全 after a meritorious career at Yale University. In 2010, the Department of Public 安全 was renamed the University of North Alabama Police Department, and 鲍勃Pastula took over as the Chief of Police, after retiring from the United States Marshals Service.

PUBLIC SAFETY: Row 1: Danny Clark, Ashley Hobson, Shequanda Adkinson, Linda Allen and Les Jackson. Row 2: David Bradley, Bobby Inman, Director 吉姆Glasso, David Maddox and Carl Watters (2003)


H.L. 埃蒙斯 1975-1981:H.L. 埃蒙斯, was Director of Security for the University of North Alabama. During Director 埃蒙斯' tenure as Director, the Security Department of the University of North Alabama grew from 2 officers to 5 officers

Durell模拟 1981-1993:Durell模拟 was appointed as Director of Security after serving the University as it's football coach from 1970-1973

1993-1999:Richard Deter was appointed as the Director of Public 安全 for the University of North Alabama. In 1999, Director Deter left to become the Chief of Police at the University of North Texas

吉姆Glasso 1999-2010:吉姆Glasso, took command of the Department of Public 安全, coming from Yale University. Under his leadership the department created the North Alabama Law Enforcement Training Center, and employed innovative patrol techniques using bicycles and Segway's to maintain watch over the University community.

鲍勃Pastula 2010-2015: 鲍勃Pastula was appointed as the Chief of Police for the University in October 2010. Bob came to UNA after retiring from the U.S. 警察办公室.

凯文Gillilan 2015-2019: 凯文Gillilan was appointed Chief for the University in July of 2015. Kevin came to UNA having been in law enforcement for 19 years, and Chief at two departments prior to UNA.

阿诺德·杰克逊警长 Current Chief of Police- 2019-Present:Arnold Jackson was appointed Chief for the University in 2019. Arnold has worked for the 大学警察 Department since 2002.


From 1973 - 1991 the headquarters for the 大学警察 Department was located in the basement of Keller Hall. In 1991, the police department moved to its current location on the east side of campus, 窝打老道706号. The police department headquarters was moved in mid 2011, when the renovations of Keller Hall will be completed, and the basement of Keller Hall currently houses the 大学警察 Department, and the University's Emergency 操作 Center.


In mid 2011, the UNA Police Department moved to the basement of Keller Hall.