
在残疾的基础上寻求住宿和服务的学生必须尽快向残疾支持服务(DSS)提交残疾证明文件. Documentation accepted by DSS is 有效的 as long as a student is continuously enrolled at UNA. 然而, 如果学生的入学有中断, updated documentation may be requested to receive services.  


Documentation is used to determine eligibility for disability services, as well as to guide accommodation decision-making. In order to establish disability status and eligibility for disability services, 学生有责任向残疾支持服务办公室(DSS)提供诊断残疾的适当文件,并正式要求DSS人员提供住宿信. Documentation accepted by DSS is 有效的 as long as a student is continuously enrolled at UNA. 然而, 如果学生的入学有中断, updated documentation may be requested to receive services.  

Below is a list of general 文档的指导方针. 请注意,每个残疾都有 额外的 文档的指导方针. 请浏览“文档的指导方针” tab on the left-hand side that is relevant to you.

The documentation on file should include the following:

  1. 打印在官方抬头的信纸上,并由有资格进行诊断的评估人员签名(包括有关执照或认证和专业领域的信息)。.
  • 请注意: A High School IEP or a 504 plan is not sufficient documentation of a disability.
  1. 清楚地说明残疾或残疾的诊断或DSM-5诊断代码,并证明存在ADA(美国残疾人法案)定义的残疾状况, 1990)/ADAAA (Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act, 2008).
  • 请注意: 要求为多重残疾提供住宿的学生必须提供所有这些条件的文件.
  1. 提供与学术环境相关的残疾导致的功能限制的描述.
  2. 根据目前的专业标准和技术,充分核实残疾的性质和程度,
  3. 当前(一般), completed within the last 5 years for learning disabilities or 1 year for psychological disabilities).
  4. 包括完整的教育, 发展, and medical history relevant to the disability for which accommodations are requested.
  5. 提供所有测试仪器的清单(可靠), 有效的, 用于评估报告和相关子测试分数,用于记录所述残疾.
  • 请注意: This should NOT include a diagnosis or test performed by a member of the student's family. 
  1. Provide a list of all medication currently being used and its current impact and/or treatments.
  2. A list of recommended academic accommodation(s) from your medical provider or physician. A 住宿历史 can also be submitted to the office.

**Each disability has 额外的 documentation requirements, 因此,请访问“文档的指导方针” tab on the left-hand side that is relevant to you.**


  • 如果文件不完整或不充分, and the inability to determine the extent of the disability or reasonable accommodation is presented, UNA has the discretion to request 额外的 documentation.
  • A 住宿历史 does not in itself warrant the provision of similar accommodations at UNA.
  • 药物不能用来暗示诊断.
  • The final determination of eligibility for services rests with the K8彩乐园.

 If you have questions or concerns about the documentation, please contact DSS at:



下面的指导方针是为学生提供指导,因为他们寻求根据ADA(美国残疾人法案)记录残疾, 1990)/ADAAA (Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act, 2008).

Documentation of a physical and/or mental disability

  • 应包括基于最新的精神疾病诊断和统计手册(DSM)和/或国际疾病分类(ICD)的诊断说明, unless the evaluator is unable to do so due to school system regulations.
  • Evaluators should demonstrate how the assessment results meet diagnostic criteria.
  • 如果病情对学生功能的影响预计会随着时间的推移而改变,则应详细说明病情的进展.
  • Because diagnostic methodologies vary by disorder, further guidance for meeting this requirement can be found in the specific guidelines.

Documentation of a current substantial limitation in a major life activity

  • The substantial limitation in a major life activity should be described.
  • 应当利用定量和定性资料来证明,与一般人口中的大多数人相比,这些困难是相当有限的.
  • 应该提供证据,证明这些困难在很大程度上限制了学生在学术环境中的学习.
  • Because substantial limitations may vary by disorder, further guidance for meeting this requirement can be found in the specific guidelines.
  • 在某些情况下, 由于使用了有效的调节和干预措施,目前在教育领域的实质性限制可能难以产生文件. 在这种情况下, 实质性限制的文件应包括实质性限制的能力和技能的描述, the accommodations and interventions implemented to address those limitations, 每种方法的有效性程度, 以及持续需求的理由.


Evaluations should be recent or still be able to accurately describe student’s functional limitations; commonly this is completed within the last 3-5 years for learning disabilities or 1 year for psychological disabilities. 然而, professional judgment will be used in determining the acceptability of any documentation provided.


The student will engage in the interactive process of determining accommodations with DSS staff. The student will meet with a DSS staff member during an Intake appointment, where the student will have his/her opportunity to communicate about their diagnosis, 住宿历史, 优势和劣势, 学习方式和策略, barriers presented by their disability and any other information the student feels he/she needs to share. The student will request accommodations during this meeting. The student will also be required to fill out the Impact Statement, which gives the student the opportunity to state how their disability impacts them. 学生将有机会通过提交住宿审查表或与DSS工作人员会面完成此表格,要求在UNA期间提供额外或修改的住宿.


残疾支持服务办公室(DSS)需要根据学生的残疾情况为其提供住宿. 请参阅下面的住宿列表. Students must request the reasonable accommodation(s) needed each semester. Requests can be made through an interactive process between the student and a DSS staff member. 另外, 提出的任何住宿建议都必须有一个理由,根据学生的测量损伤和当前的实质性限制来解释必要性. 鼓励过去批准的住宿文件,但不保证在高等教育水平上获得批准.

Students with a documented history of disability whose documentation fails to meet UNA guidelines, may be eligible for provisional accommodation(s) for a period of time (usually one semester). 临时住宿为学生提供了合理的时间来收集所需的信息和文件.


如需讨论教室住宿,请致电256-765-4214或与DSS工作人员联系,预约 dss@mldad.com.


DSS和国际事务办公室(OIA)在这里为学生提供留学计划之前和期间的帮助. DSS和OIA致力于为任何项目提供合理的便利,而不会从根本上改变海外教育项目和学生体验的任何组成部分. 重要的是,学生要尽早沟通他/她的需求,并考虑满足这些需求的替代方法,这样校园里的两个办公室都可以帮助提供有关可能的住宿和大约费用的信息.

Students with disabilities can and do participate in all education abroad programs at UNA. Just as cultures differ, so do disability accommodations and perceptions abroad. The key for any education abroad participant is flexibility and the need to complete research beforehand. We encourage all students to communicate their needs and consider alternative ways to meet them. Whether this be a permanent or temporary disability, the student is responsible for ensuring DSS is aware of his/her disabilities, and he/she providing DSS with appropriate documentation. 请浏览 残疾证明文件 page for guidelines on documentation and how to register with DSS, if the student is not already.

请浏览联合国网页 海外残疾学生 网页提供更多资料.

ADA/ADAAA is not recognized outside the United States. 


请浏览联合国网页 特别住宿 网页提供更多资料.


寻求口译和/或字幕帮助的学生必须与DSS预约,讨论学生以前使用过的住宿类型,如口译, 调频系统, C-Print字幕, 等. To schedule an appointment, please contact the DSS office, 256-765-4214, or dss@mldad.com.


If a student is new to DSS, documentation must be provided to support this accommodation. A meeting should be arranged with DSS to discuss the process. If a student has provided documentation that supports a note taker, 学生有责任每学期通知教务处他/她需要记笔记的课程. DSS will provide the necessary information to the professor.


请与DSS工作人员预约入学时间,讨论测试住宿,电话:256-765-4214或 dss@mldad.com.